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China Communications Association and China Cloud open source data co build data platform
Release Date: 2019/12/16 15:23:41

In the era of big data, the application of big data in industry is far less effective and efficient than that in life. For many enterprises who want to improve their competitiveness through "big data", open data "difficult to obtain", internal data "difficult to integrate" and value chain data "difficult to share" are the three major pain points of industrial big data.

China Communications Association and China Cloud open source data co build data platform

China General Machinery Industry Association, as an authoritative industry organization, actively builds industry information platform. In order to provide valuable data and information for enterprises, China Communications Association and China Cloud open source data cooperate to build a value network - "data workshop", which connects industrial data.

From now on, China Unicom has set up a questionnaire on WeChat public to understand the needs of users. Please actively cooperate with enterprises to build an effective and efficient information platform.

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