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China general machinery industry association holds group standard approval meeting
Release Date: 2019/12/16 15:18:03

On August 30, 2019, China General Machinery Industry Association held a group standard approval meeting in Qingdao. More than 40 people attended the meeting, including members of Standardization Management Committee of China Communications Association, leaders of the branch applying for standards and representatives of some standard drafting units. The main topic of the meeting is to examine and approve three group standards, namely, screw discharge settling centrifuge, evaporative condenser and roof fan rainproof performance test.

China general machinery industry association holds group standard approval meeting

Sun Fang, Deputy Secretary General of China Communications Association and deputy director of standardization management committee, presided over the meeting and briefed the recent work of group standards in general machinery industry.

The attending committee members listened to the report on the application drafting and main contents of three group standards, namely, screw discharge settling centrifuge, evaporative condenser and roof fan rainproof performance test, and carefully reviewed the draft of group standards and corresponding materials.

According to the meeting, the three standards reviewed are in line with the preparation provisions of GB / T 1.1-2009, the consultation and industry review procedures are basically in line with the relevant provisions of the standards management measures of China Communications Association, and they are unanimously approved. The meeting was a complete success.

The work of group standards is a long-term key work of China Communications Association. We will further strengthen the promotion and application of group standards, carry out relevant standard training, explore and rely on group standards to carry out certification and accreditation services, and play an important role in promoting the innovation, transformation and upgrading of the industry.

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